About Us
Our slogan is "Rural. Redefined." That's because we're changing the narrative about our community, and other communities like ours, in the rural south.
This area has been called the "corridor of shame," we believe it should rightfully be known as the corridor of fame - because it is home to many gifted and innovative individuals. We seek to elevate their stories and amplify their voices.
Based in Hampton County, South Carolina, our team is working tirelessly to provide enriching experiences in the arts and humanities with a two-fold mission.
1. To leverage arts and culture to spur economic development, promote enduring positive social change, and improve the physical environment in Hampton County and surrounding areas.
2. To improve the quality of life for the communities of the rural Lowcountry through art and education.

Our Story
Sometimes it just takes the right team at the right time for change to happen. In our case, a group of local volunteers were called upon in early 2019 to help rebuild a stagnant local arts council and resurrect a suspended nonprofit that owned a derelict former retail space and an abandoned historic theater in the heart of downtown Hampton. By 2021, we emerged from the pandemic with a large gallery and event space, multiple exhibits, concerts, and workshops under our belt, and a refurbished theater which was open - not only for concerts and performances - but for first run Hollywood films!
We did it with the help of many generous donors, volunteer support, and the invaluable contributions of local youth. To see more, you can watch the documentary film "Corridor of Fame," created about our efforts by local high school students.
Watch it for free here - https://youtu.be/0wPIEBUjj4E